Niyamas - positive duties, personal practices Niyamas are thought of as the inward practices that allow us to live a healthy and ‘spiritual’ existence. They are a powerful tool to...
Dharana- focused meditation, concentration It takes a lot of effort to focus our minds on one single thing. Dharana is that one pointed focus. We have the ability to...
Pranayama - mindful breathing The breath is our life-source & can be used as an impactful tool. When practiced with intent, pranayama work can create inner peace, relax the...
Pranayama - mindful breathing The breath is our life-source & can be used as an impactful tool. When practiced with intent, pranayama work can create inner peace, relax the...
Yamas - restraints, moral discipline, social ethics Yamas are universal moral & ethical restraints. They guide us on what not to do. When followed they are meant to improve self-control,...
Samadhi - pure bliss, liberation Samadhi is the state in which we realize that all energy is connected—whether it be a person, plant, or object. It is constant complete harmony...
Samadhi - pure bliss, liberation Samadhi is the state in which we realize that all energy is connected—whether it be a person, plant, or object. It is constant complete harmony...
Dhyana - absorption, de-concentration Dhyana teaches us to observe without judgment or attachment. It allows us to view our experiences with openness and an abstract perspective. These hand forged brass...
Pranayama - mindful breathing The breath is our life-source & can be used as an impactful tool. When practiced with intent, pranayama work can create inner peace, relax the...
Dharana- focused meditation, concentration It takes a lot of effort to focus our minds on one single thing. Dharana is that one pointed focus. We have the ability to guide...
Asana- posture, physical practices Asana (originally a term for a sitting meditation pose) is the physical practice of yoga. They are shapes & movements that our bodies make which allow...
Niyamas - positive duties, personal practices Niyamas are thought of as the inward practices that allow us to live a healthy and ‘spiritual’ existence. They are a powerful tool to...
Dhyana - absorption, de-concentration Dhyana teaches us to observe without judgment or attachment. It allows us to view our experiences with openness and an abstract perspective. This hand forged brass...
Pratyahara - sense withdrawal, turning inward Pratyahara is the conscious withdrawal of energy from the senses. When practiced we can learn to free ourselves from reactions to external disturbances so...
Asana- posture, physical practices Asana (originally a term for a sitting meditation pose) is the physical practice of yoga. They are shapes & movements that our bodies make which allow...
Asana- posture, physical practices Asana (originally a term for a sitting meditation pose) is the physical practice of yoga. They are shapes & movements that our bodies make which allow...
Yamas - restraints, moral discipline, social ethics Yamas are universal moral & ethical restraints. They guide us on what not to do. When followed they are meant to improve self-control,...